Smokey Tartiflette Recipe

Smokey Tartiflette Recipe
Our version of this superb French dish. Guaranteed to send you to smokey Welsh heaven this winter!
Serves 4
750g waxy potatoes
1 onion
6 rashers Black Mountains Smokery Smoked Back Bacon
250g Celtic Promise Cheese
1 x small tub single cream
• Preheat the oven to 220C/Gas 7/fan oven 200C. Slice the potatoes into thick rounds, then boil in salted water for 8-10 minutes, until just tender.
• Chop and fry the onion in olive oil until softened.
• Cube the bacon into pieces and add to the pan; stir well and cook until both the onion and the bacon are caramelised.
• Chop the Celtic Promise Cheese into chunks.
• Layer half the potatoes in a large ovenproof dish and scatter over half the onion, bacon, and cheese. Season and layer the rest of the potatoes and add the rest of the ingredients.
• Pour cream over the top and bake for 10-12 minutes until golden.
• Serve with fresh green salad leaves.